Our Team
Staff and Instructors

Lori Kane, EdD
Chief Wonder Maker + Herbalist + Essayist + Poet + Market Host + Home Canning Instructor + Managing Partner

Daniel j Gregory
Photographer + Instructor + Mentor + Podcaster + IT Support + Pet Whisperer + Managing Partner

Outdoor Activities and Exercise Director + Life Coach + Self-Care Guru

Cora (aka Bugs)
Forager of Tasty Plants, Bugs, Sticks, & Mud + Queen of the Roo Roo + Rub My Butt

Angel Bella
Dispute Creation & Resolution Smackdown Specialist (Guidance from On High)

Joey Big Paws
Director of Napping + Puddle King + Patience & Hunting Expert

Chief Play and Innovation Officer + Total Bad Ass + Total Sweetheart

The Muses
These Trees are the Inspiration & Art Approval Squad

Hue, Dew, and Lou
Rest Bringers + Joke Tellers

The Lonnies
Flexibility Gurus + They/Them

Warmth and Lighting + Life Tender

Mess Embracer + Guru of How to Be Everywhere at Once

Perspective Shifter + Grief Holder

Jazz Owl
Music and Wardrobe Direction + General Cuteness

Legendary Jedi Master + Spiritual Guide + Awake & Somehow Always Laughing

Our Place + Time Shifter + History Holder + Held by the Salish Sea

About Our Team
We’ve been playing and learning and working together for several decades. To avoid feeling too old, in 2018 we officially partnered with the land and neighborhood trees. It worked like a charm. We’re getting younger by the day.